It gives realistic Moodlets to your Sims. The mod is suitable for Faint-Hearted as it has cartoon violence. It even adds dogs and cats which attack Sims. Sacrificial Mod features gore, blood, and dark humor in-game. Demons can Breathe Fir and spit poison.Fallout 4 Cheats, Codes & Walkthrough/Guide/FAQ - PS4. Fallout 4 Cheats, Codes & Walkthrough/Guide/FAQ - PC Computer. The Wilderness Mod for Fallout 4 adds a worldplace as big as Nuka World. It can bite and drink the blood of Sims.http:/ Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles.Demons are evil and can’t have a good trait.

The following are the traits of Supernatural Mod possess by demons: Sims Supernatural Mod turns your Sim into Demon with your traits. Supernatural Mod features Angels, Demons, Aliens, Wizards, and Genies. Supernatural Mod is the expansion pack in Sims 4. Succubus has learned to craft skill faster than other Sims. Succubus makes other Sim fall in love with them. Once your Sim becomes Succubus, you won’t turn into previous. Succubus Mod gives your Sims different abilities of Cambions, Incubus, and Succubus.

Fallout 1 and 2 are the inspirations for this mod.